Returns and Jumps in Kotlin | Tutorial-9

Kotlin has three structural jump expressions


return. By default returns from the nearest enclosing function or anonymous function.

break. Terminates the nearest enclosing loop.

continue. Proceeds to the next step of the nearest enclosing loop.

All of these expressions can be used as part of larger expressions:


val s = ?: return

The type of these expressions is the Nothing type.


Break and Continue Labels

Any expression in Kotlin may be marked with a label. Labels have the form of an identifier followed by the @ sign, for example: abc@, fooBar@ are valid labels. To label an expression, we just put a label in front of it.
 loop@ for (i in 1..100) {  
     // ...  

Now, we can qualify a break or a continue with a label:

 loop@ for (i in 1..100) {  
     for (j in 1..100) {  
     if (...) break@loop  

A break qualified with a label jumps to the execution point right after the loop marked with that label. A continue proceeds to the next iteration of that loop.

Return at Labels:

With function literals, local functions and object expression, functions can be nested in Kotlin. Qualified returns allow us to return from an outer function. The most important use case is returning from a lambda expression. Recall that when we write this:
 fun foo() {  
     ints.forEach {  
     if (it == 0) return  
The return-expression returns from the nearest enclosing function, i.e. foo. (Note that such non-local returns are supported only for lambda expressions passed to nline functions.) If we need to return from a lambda expression, we have to label it and qualify the return:

 fun foo() {  
     ints.forEach lit@ {  
     if (it == 0) return@lit  

Now, it returns only from the lambda expression. Oftentimes it is more convenient to use implicits labels: such a label has the same name as the function to which the lambda is passed.

 fun foo() {  
     ints.forEach {  
     if (it == 0) return@forEach  

Alternatively, we can replace the lambda expression with an anonymous function. A return statement in an anomymous function will return from the anonymous function itself.

 fun foo() {  
     ints.forEach(fun(value: Int) {  
     if (value == 0) return  

When returning a value, the parser gives preference to the qualified return, i.e.
return@a 1
means "return 1 at label @a" and not "return a labeled expression (@a 1)".
